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DefiningVirtualEventsSoftware: Virtual events software refers to a type of technology that enables businesses and organizations to host and manageeventsonline,includingconferences,webinars,trade shows,andothervirtualgatherings.Virtualevents provideaplatformforattendeesto participate in these events from anywhere in the world, using their computer or mobile device. Virtual events software typically includes a range of features, such as live streaming of presentations, interactive sessions, virtual networking opportunities, and tools for engagingwithattendees.Italsooftenincludesfeaturesformanagingeventregistration, creating event schedules, digital venues for event sponsors (if any), and providing access to event materials and resources. CloudRatingsChartforVirtualEventsSoftware: Over25,000customerratings(inclusiveofvendor-suppliedNPSdata)factoredintoour categoryassessment: 1

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